A suffix (part of an acronym) is common to the following cities in the world of business with respect to something that usually happens at around 11 am of a business day in their respective timezones.
They are: Tokyo, Johannesburg, London, and Singapore. Paris, Helsinki, and Frankfurt used to have this too, but later merged into "Euro".
One of these cities was dragged into disrepute in June 2012. What's common, or what is the suffix?
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The suffix is "-IBOR" or "Interbank Offered Rate". LIBOR, for instance, is the average rate of interest that banks in London would be willing to pay for loans from other banks. Like LIBOR, there is TIBOR, JIBOR, SIBOR, etc. The LIBOR rate affects several other financial instruments. It was revealed that Barclays Bank had participated in manipulating LIBOR, and that it wasn't the only one. More at
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