Dec 13, 2012


MOMA, or the Museum of Modern Art, is located in New York. It has a wide array of exhibits under a variety of themes: apart from the usual paintings and sculptures, it also houses examples of industrial design, photography, books, and films.

In November 2012, MOMA acquired fourteen examples in a very new genre, which they will put on exhibit in 2013. This was seemingly an odd choice, so MOMA defended this by saying:

"Are ___ ____ art? They sure are, but they are also design, and a design approach is what we chose for this new foray into this universe. The ___ are selected as outstanding examples of interaction design - a field that MoMA has already explored and collected extensively, and one of the most important and oft-discussed expressions of contemporary design creativity."
The oldest of these acquisitions was from 1980, and the latest 2009. (Yes, you'll be able to view them in first-person next year.) What did they add?

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