(Have you participated in our Mark Antony week? If not, please see this.)
We are now inviting your contributions to Infinite Zounds (to be published from September 2013). Here's how to contribute:
- Use this form to submit your question. The form will make life very easy for use, so no submissions via email or other platforms unless this form is inadequate for your submission.
- Your question must be related to topics in the news. Having said that, you can still be creative with the actual timeline of your question (past or future), as long there is a strong connection to a recent event or announcement. Wherever necessary, we will use our judgement to rule on this.
- We may edit your submission (question/answer) to make it more concise /interesting/relevant. Unless the edits are very minor (typos, grammar etc.) we will not publish the revised question without your permission.
- We do not promise to publish every submission that we receive. If we aren't publishing your question, we will try to inform you of that, but please take it easy until then.
- Very important: no lifts from other sources, no copy-pastes from Wikipedia. It's hard to do a plagiarism check on every submission, so if we become aware of plagiarism in the future, we not only take your question down, but also vow never to do business with you again.
- If you use images or any other media in your submission, please include a link to the original source.
- We promise never to use your question (published or otherwise) elsewhere. If we have to use it in future compilations, you will be asked for permission.
- We encourage creativity in framing without compromising good judgement in the use of language!
Any unanswered questions? Write in at infinitezounds[[at]]gmail